Photo By IG @kakikakiwidi

A very beautiful foothill village with rice field view can be seen from the top of Songgo Langit Peak, namely the Sukorame Village. A Javanese acronym which stands for “soko digotong rame-rame” (carrying a pillar together) which is a part of the story of Mataram Royal Cemetary’s construction by Sultan Agung. On the east side, there is a small hill namely Gunung Pasar (Market Mountain), which is located in the area of ​​Koripan, Dlingo, Bantul. It is said to be the site of a sacred agreement between Ki Ageng Giring and Ki Ageng Pemanahan, both are the forefathers of The Mataram Kingdom. In the far east horizon view, we see an area where myths and legends about the journey of Brawijaya V, the famous last king of Majapahit Kingdom, grow among the locals. The area includes Ngobaran Beach and Sodo Palihan of Gunung Kidul district with its famous story of Kambil Gagak Emprit (Finch Raven Coconut).

Puncak Songgo Langit terlihat di kaki bukit sebuah perkampungan yang sangat asri dengan hamparan persawahan dan ladang yaitu pedukuhan Sukorame (soko di gotong ramerame). Pedukuhan Sukorame merupakan bagian kisah pembangunan Makam Raja–Raja Mataram oleh Sultan Agung. Dari tempat tersebut di sisi timur terlihat Gunung Pasar yaitu sebuah bukit kecil di wilayah pedukuhan Koripan, Dlingo, Bantul yang konon ceritanya sebagai tempat perjanjian Wiji Ratu antara Ki Ageng Giring dan Ki Ageng Pemanahan. Dari kejauhan juga terlihat ujung cakrawala langit biru di sisi timur. Banyak sekali mitos dan legenda tentang perjalanan Brawijaya V Raja Majapahit, antara lain Pantai Ngobaran dan cerita tutur tentang Kambil Gagak Emprit di daerah Sodo Palihan Gunung Kidul.


Photo By IG @novitawulan5286
Photo By IG @kakikakiwidi