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Panguk Kediwung Hill

Besides as a relaxing place, tourists who visit to tourism objects have a purpose just for hunting some cool photos. In fact, photo hunting trend becomes the main reason for the tourists to travel. Looking at this booming trend makes some tourism provider design the tour object be more beautiful.

One of the most trending tourism objects on social media is Panguk Kediwung Hill. Panguk Kediwung Hill itself is around 2 km from Mangunan Orchard, precisely in Kediwung, Mangunan Village, Dlingo Sub-district, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta.

Most tourists choose to visit natural attractions in the top of the hills in the morning when the fog still covers the hills and the sun is still reluctant to show its rays. Cool air and white sea clouds in the morning and the warmth sun becomes the main reason for the tourists to come early in the morning.

Certainly, it does not complete yet visiting to the Panguk Kediwung Dike before taking pictures in the spots, here. As on Instagram account @bukitpanguk_kediwung, there are some selfie spots with various forms like flowers, delman, boat, love sign and some other things.

As another trendy vacation spot to youngsters, the visitors who visit to the Panguk Kediwung Hill do not charge a retribution fee, too. They need to pay parking fee, only.

The route to the Panguk Kediwung Hill is very easy. From the city of Yogyakarta go directly to the East Imogiri road until you meet the T-junction then turn left. Follow the path until you find a signpost to the Mangunan Orchard. The visitors can immediately ask the residents to go to the Kediwung hamlet. There are directions to the Panguk Kediwung hill after arriving in the Kediwung hamlet.


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