Kalibiru tourism village is a forest organized by local people to become a natural tourist attraction. This tourism object located in the Manoreh hills, precisely in Hargowilis village, Kokap, Kulon Progo Regency of Yogyakarta. The distance of Kalibiru village from the center of Yogyakarta is approximately 40 kilometers (60 until 90 minutes) or only within approximately 10 kilometers from Wates, the capital of Kulon Progo Regency.

The origin of Kalibiru Tourism Village

In the 1950s, Kalibiru is an unspoiled protected forest. However, in 1997s along with its growth, Kalibiru becomes barren and arid forest because of illegal logging. Therefore, the local people through the community (Komunitas Lingkar) change this place becomes the green forest. Since 14th February 2008, this forest officially organized by local people with the existence of Community Forest Utilization Permits. Eventually, this forest becomes a beautiful tourism object.

Photo By @rubenmnk

Kalibiru tourism village is in 450 meters above sea level. In this place, we can see the scenery of Mount Merapi, South Beach, and Waduk Sermo when the weather is sunny. Cool and clear air becomes an important point when we visit this place.

Besides its wonderful forest and hills, the social culture of the community in Kalibiru area has its own charm. The local people are friendly, polite, have a sense of kinship, and mutual cooperation. They also were maintaining a wide variety of traditional cultural arts. It becomes a special characteristic to attract tourist.

Photo By @caturdimas

The society worked together to protect the environment. It seen from the building that made uses the wood. They only use natural material to make the building around Kalibiru. The societies also construct various facilities for the tourist such as cottages, meeting place, toilet facilities, substations of view, and flying fox.

In Kalibiru, there are various tour packages such as rural tourism, cultural tourism, therapies, outbound, and many more. We need to pay for the ticket around Rp.2,000, for the entrance. Meanwhile, to pump up our adrenalin on the flying fox, we need to pay for the ticket around Rp.10,000,- for adult, and Rp.5,000,- for children.


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