The Hidden Paradise For Beach Lover : Kesirat Beach

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Different from other beaches in Gunungkidul, Kesirat beach has its own uniqueness. Actually, the characteristic of the beaches in Gunungkidul are identified having white sand and rocks.  The uniqueness of this beach are being a favorite place for rock fishing, having a good area for camping and a beautiful spot to view a sunset. Because of its location far from the main road of the village, Kesirat is famously named  “the hidden paradise for beach lovers”.

The location is belongs to South coast of Gunungkidul regency, Girikerto village. It is around 45 kilometers away from the city center. To get there, you need to take a walk from the parking lot around 700 meters. After that, you have to go through the paved road to find this hidden paradise.

Kesirat beach is a favorite for them who love fishing. It becomes an ideal spot to catch the fish because the location is faced into the ocean. According to the citizen nearby, this spot is well-known as a destination for rock fishing.

Besides, the position of this beach is right place for viewing sunset. The panorama is very amazing because you can see from the top of the hill. Thus, people usually come here in the afternoon to see a sunset. You can take a picture with a background of a tree. That what make it feel awesome and exotic.

To visit here, you only pay for the ticket IDR 5000 and prepare around IDR 2000-5000 for parking fee. You already enable to see those magnificent view in Kesirat beach. (san/rag)


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