This tourism village is located in Gedongkiwo, Mantrijeron and there is also a street as an access to reach Samas Beach. The name of Gedongkiwo village was derived from the name of abdi dalem Gedhong or abdi dalem Nayaka Gedhong. Nayana Gedong Kiwa is the courtier who have the responsibility to coordinate some others group of Kraton’s courtiers like a Mahout, a horse trainer, a carver, a blacksmith, traditional music instrument’s (Gendhing) administrator, niyaga, dalang, pesinden, the royal household, kenek (coachman assistant) and a coachman. This Kanayakan was led by the Mayor of Nayaka Tumenggung Puspanegara and Tumenggung Mangunegaro. Because of the existence of Nayaka Gedhongkiwo, this area is called or also well known as Gedhongkiwo.

Niti Gedongkiwo tourism village has a strategic location. It has also an important role in sustaining the tourist attraction of Yogyakarta’s Animals and Ornamental Plant Market (PASTY) because the location of this tourism village is really closed to this tourism object. Even though, this tourism village is categorized as the new tourism village destination, this tourism village has really captivating tourist attractions as well as art performance, classical traditional dance, Karawitan, Jathilan, and Handwriting batik making process. In order to develop this tourism village the group of Bergodo Keprajuritan namely Bergodo Niti Manggala is established in Niti Gedongkiwo tourism village. There is also calendar of cultural events and ruwahan traditiona annually held.

Potential Attraction
• Ancient House / Pendopo dll
• Javanese House (Kampung)
• Karawitan Klasik
• Mondrowanaran
• Karawitan Gagrak Anyar
• Keroncong Tempo Dulu
• Cokek’an
• Keroncong Modern
• Musik Modern
• Electon
• Batik, Patung, Bunga Kering, Bunga Kertas, Bordier, Kerajinan Kulit, Lidi, Enceng Gondok, Agel Berca crafts, etc
• Javanese culinary


Primary Package Itinerary :
08.30 – 09.00 : Welcome Traditional Dance
09.00 – 10.00 : Program Information
10.00 – 11.00 : Winongo River Walk
11.00 – 12.00 : Tofu Making Workshop
12.00 – 13.00 : Lunch and Classical traditional
Dance Attraction
13.00 – 14.00 : Blangkong Crafts Workshop
14.00 – 15.00 : Traditional Batik Workshop                                                        Additional Information : Reserve a day before arrival

• Sastro 49
• Rama Shinta Homestay
• Omah Eling Suryowijayan
• Omah Suryo Guesthouse
• Qta Homestay
• D’Classic Homestay
• Puspa Jaya Homestay
• Deep Purple Homestay
• Vena Homestay
• Homestay Abad
• Homestay Backpacker Omah Dewe
• Netjes Home
• Laksmita Honestay
• Selo Homestay
• Rami Homestay
• Sekar Homestay
• Omah Kendi
• Ndalem Telu
• Branta Home
• Blangkon ( Blangkon and Batik Pak Wahyu)
• Batik (Batik Rumah Suryowijayan)
• Quilted crafts of Tukiman
• Wallet craft of Mbak Us
• Jewelry crafting Maker
• Box Pusaka

Contact Person :
081802712463/ 0274381276


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