Tourism village is the village area which has some speciality that could attract the tourist visitation and also empower the society surrounding. One of the tourism villages in Sleman regency Yogyakarta is Sidoakur Jethak Sleman II tourism village. This village is located in Sidokarto, Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta. It is about 25 km from the city center of Yogyakarta. From Tugu area, you can go straight directly to the west until you find the route sign direction board.

The tourism potency provided is systematically and transparently well managed by the village administrator, so this tourism village could be continuously elaborated. The villagers are always in charge of every procces in making the village becoming popular. The strong culture of working together becomes the strength of why Sidoakur tourism village can stand and still exists.

Art and cultural Tourism

Sidoakur local people have the original cultures that they keep maintining its authencity. One of those cultures is traditional art performance. Traditional art performance tourism package is usually held to give a welcome ceremony to the tourists who come to this tourism village and also held to comommerate religious holiday. Those traditional art performed are such as Karawitan, Gejog Lesung, Tembang Macapat, Hadroh, and Panembrama. This village had even became the host of Culture and Art of DIY’s tourism villages festival in 2015

Here, there are Javanese traditional housing of Joglo and Limasan. These houses were built to receive the guests. Eventhough they were built in 1941 and were renovated several times, the local people still maintain the original form of those houses. This Jethak II tourism village is a patronized to visit by the important people from Yogyakarta and even from other city.

Natural and Environmental Tourism

The nature village of Sidoakur tourism village which the green open spaces are also discharged is such a nice place to have relaxation and gathering. Other than called as the village that has cultural consciousness, Sidoakur tourism village is also known as the village which has environmental awareness. The villagers are realizing the important of healthy lifestyle, hygiene, and waste management. They select the domestic wastes that could be recycled and collect them in the waste bank every week. Then, the Non recyclable trash would be burned, and the recyclable trash would be made as a craft or as charcoal briquette.

The healthy lifestyle of the society can be seen from their sanitation systeme in public bathing, washing and toilet facility called MCK. This systeme connect MCK with the pipe that could transport the human waste into a tube storage where it can produce methane used to make Biogas. This village has also various kind of handicraft from recycled plastic materials like handbag, wallet, slipper, and from coconut fiber material, and also from bamboo like mat. There is also traditional herb production in instant herb packaging.


The facilities in Sidoakur Jethak II tourism village are complete enough. There are toilete, Mushola, and homestay available.


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