The charm of Merapi mount is never end. Some kind of activity like mount climbing, lava touring, and visiting touris village in Merapi slope area can be done to enjoy the beauty of Merapi.

This tourism village located at 800 meteres above sea level doesn’t only offer the nature beauty of Merapi but also offer many activities could be explored during the visitation of this tourism village.

Tunggal Arum
One of the primary programs of this village is cultural tour package that’s held by the local people of Tunggul Arum Tourism Village namely Merti Bumi. Merti Bumi is organized once a year in the month of Sapar in Javanese calendar by doing some kinds of activities like kirab and kenduri tumpengan and dawet cuwo. Merti Bumi is such the local expression for God’s grace.

Its location that’s closed to Merapi area could make this Tunggul Arum Village becoming the visitor’s favorite transit place during the lava touring. The typical souvenirs can be brought are such as tosan aji crafts and wooden keris.

There are some location can be visited around Tunggul arum village which are the Bunker, a place to hide from Merapi eruption, the scenic view point where you can enjoy the scenery around Merapi, Semar cave for those who want to have meditation, sendang pancuran, orchid garden of Vanda Tree Colour, Krasak river, and many other destination that can make the visitors want to stay longer in Tunggu Arum village.

Not only having a unique wooden keris that made from typical rare wood of Merapi like tesek wood, this village has also a ring eyes (akik) craft made from wood. In addition the typical snacks of Tunggu Arum that should’t be missed to bring home are such as chips of sweet potato flour, taro chips, and pegagan leaf chips.

Tunggul Arum tourism village is located in 20 km of the northern part of the city center of Yogyakarta or in the southern part of Merapi. We can reach this village by passing Kaliurang, Monjali, or even Magelang street. This tourism village is in Tungggul Arum, Wonokerto, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta.


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