Enjoying the beauty while having pleasure and education can be done in historical trace. The historical buliding can give us so much information about historical moments happened and also can set the pride in our self as the young heir of a civilization. So it’s generally not only for history lovers who can get an education in historical traces, but also all the society.

Yogyakarta which is situated in Central Java area is the one of the central Javanese culture in classic era in 3th century to colonial era in the beginning of 20th century. By that long history, Jogja keeps many kinds of historical traces and historical buildings like museum, palace, town square and so on.

Taman Sari Yogyakarta is the one of the historical building of Yogyakarta Kingdom that’s functioned as the tourism destination object. But, other than being the tourism destination, Taman Sari is still being used as the ritual place of the royal family. The Javanse-Portugese building architecture becomes the main attraction of this place. Although a whole building condition is not as complete as before but it still keeps the beauty of this ancient royal garden building.


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