Cakra Kusuma Hotel


Cakra Kusuma Hotel is conveniently situated in Yogyakartas main business district of Jalan Kaliurang and offers free wireless hotspots. It is within a 10-minute drive from Yogya Kembali Monument and Gembira Loka Zoo.

Rooms at Cakra Kusuma feature contemporary, Javanese furnishings and have air conditioning, cable TV and tea and coffee making facilities. Some rooms offer views of the pool or city.

Joglo Bougainville Restaurant serves Asian, Western and Indonesian cuisines. Guests also can visit the Kana Lounge where free tea, coffee and light snacks are served in the late afternoon.

Hotel Cakra offers a day-spa with massage services for relaxation. There is also an outdoor swimming pool.

Catur Tunggal is a great choice for travelers interested in food shopping, culturally diverse food and food.

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Location : JL Kaliurang 25, km 5,2, Catur Tunggal, 55281 Yogyakarta, Indonesia


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