Baru Bantul Beach


Baru Bantul Beach

Having a beach characteristic that is slightly different from the beaches in Bantul, Baru Bantu Beach can be a holiday choice with family. By the existence of pine trees that make shade along the shoreline suitable for a pleasant picnic location. In addition, the view of dozens of windmills as the main power station in the coastal area certainly adds to the uniqueness of the Baru Bantul Beach.

Comparing to Parangtritis Beach, it is not really well-known. However, this is what makes this beach more attracting. It is because there are not many people who visit this beach so it feels more relaxed for a picnic.

Baru Bantul Beach is adjacent to Kuwaru Beach and is the eastern part of Pandansimo Beach with easier parking access for buses and large cars.

Before entering the Pantai Baru area, there were spotted sharks and tiger statues as the New Beach icon. The reason tigers were used as a symbol of Baru Beach was that one of the royal families had performed hermitage and he was visited by the appearance of a very large tiger. Until now, Baru Bbantul Beach is known as a Pandan Beach (pandanus tree) and Simo (Tiger).

Meanwhile, the icon of the Shark is because in 2012 there were sharks stranded on Baru Bantul Beach. Since then, visitors who have come to this beach are increasing until now.

Besides its shady place, facilities at Pantai Baru are also adequate, including toilets, prayer rooms, food stalls, spacious parking lots, and entertainment such as mini swimming pools and ATV rentals.

Going to the Baru Bantul Beach from Yogyakarta, the Pojok Benteng Kulon to south go straight through Bantul – Samas Street to see TPR (Place of Payment of Levy) to pay for the entrance ticket. After passing through TPR, there will be several beaches lined up. The Baru Bantul Beach is parallel with Goa Cemara Beach, Samas Beach, and Kwaru Beach.

Entrance ticket to New Bantul Jogja Beach:

For entrance ticket per person: Rp. 4,000

Bus Parking Ticket: Rp. 15,000, –

Minibus Parking Ticket: IDR 10,000

Car Parking Ticket: Rp. 5000, –

Motorcycle Parking Ticket: IDR. 5,000


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