Wediombo Beach

Photo By @khafidmukriyanto

Wediombo Beach is located in Jepitu village, Girisuboyo sub-district, Gunung Kidul district. Access to reach this beach is very easy. Wediombo is far lower than the surrounding lands. A number of stairs become our initial access to enjoy the panorama of Wediombo. While descending the stairs, you will be able to see the mangrove vegetation, green fields, and houses on your left and right sides. The steep hills make Wediombo Beach becomes a challenging area for the anglers to fishing from the height of the coral cliff. The fishing habit of local people finally spread to the fishing hobbyists from the outside area of Wediombo. Fishing from the height of the coral cliff is not easy for the hobbyists. You have to walk eastwards through the shore; climbing the steep and slippery cliff. Sometimes the waves will hit you before arriving at the cliff. This cliff faces the deep ocean directly.

Photo By @gilprat7

The great struggle to walk in a difficult way to the cliff, however, is paid well. Cucut fish or Panjo fish (in local language) is the minimum result that will be obtained for the hobbyists. The fish of which size is as big as man’s arm are of two kinds, the cylindrical one that exists more during the dry season and the flat ones during the rainy season. The baits are small fish (anchovy) that can even be collected at the seashore. You can use either fishing pole of fishnet to catch the anchovy.

The anglers usually sell their Panjo fish catches at a price of IDR 3,000-/tail or IDR 20,000 containing 5-6 fishes in a bundle sometimes. The local people are also willing to cook them for you if you wish. Meanwhile, fried Panjo fish are also available IDR 7,000,-. The rice serves in the traditional container namely Bakul and the condiment are on traditional saucer called Cobek. The portion is big enough for two persons.

Photo By @endylangobelen

Furthermore, the local people around Wediombo Beach conduct a cultural ceremony called Ngalangi that held once a year. This ceremony just like the Labuhan Besar ceremony of which objectives is to express the gratitude to God for have been granted and asking for good fortune for the future. Ngalangi or Menghalangi is the process of catching fish using gawar, the fishnet made from wawar tree. The gawar spread out from KEdongkowok hill to the area of the rise and fall of the tides in order to trap the fish that washed away by the waves and cannot get back to the sea. When the seawater falls, the fishes are collected. Then, the people busy cleaning and cooking the fish. Some of the fish are returned to the sea with some rice and offerings. Most part of the dish is shared with the families. The ceremony is known as Kenduri Besar or great shared-meals as the form of local wisdom that fish are the livelihood for all people.


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