The address that recorded is on Niron, Pandowoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta, it starts from Jogja city toward Magelang until finding Beran Lor crossroad, then turn right or to the north about 800 meters, there is Jejamuran restaurant located.

From the name, we know that the main menu of this restaurant is mushroom. Jejamuran restaurant is already integrated with mushroom plantation and mushroom consultant cultivation, So, dont worry with the option of mushroom that provided, it definitely worth to eat and nutritious. Beside enjoy the mushroom cuisine, we can also learn and know the details of mushroom cultivation. Jejamuran restaurant provides fresh mushroom to take home or as a souvenir.

If you visit for a while, there are mushroom cuisine choices that you can taste such as Mushroom Satay, spicy grilled mushroom, Tom Yum Mushroom, Sauted green chili mushroom, fried oyster mushroom, sweet-sour oyster mushroom, Pepes Mushroom, soup mushroom, Tongseng Jamur Merang, and many another variant. Furthermore, to drink please try Ice Mint Tea, Honey Lime Tea, Ice Kunyit Asem, Ice Beras Kencur, Ice Carica, and etc. But, how about the price? Please, calm down, it is affordable. For the mushroom cuisine, the price starts from Rp.8000, 00 (eight-thousand rupiah) and Rp.3000, 00 (three-thousand rupiah) for the drinks. Jejamuran is ready to serve start from 10.00-21.00 WIB.