Wanna enjoy tourism by “mblusuk” (exploring) in Yogyakarta? Curug (waterfall) Jurang Gede can be one of your holiday agenda destination. Curug Jurang Gedhe is a tourist attraction that worth to visit besides tourism objects that already have popular in Gunung Kidul Regency. This 30 meter high waterfall is located not far from Nglanggeran Purba Volcano. This tourist attraction is most suitable for tourists who like adventure and challenges.

Location of Curug Jurang Gedhe
It is located in Gembyong Hamlet, Ngoro-ngoro, Patuk, Gunungkidul or 12 km from Pathuk Subdistrict or can be reached for one hour from Yogyakarta. This natural tourist object is worth to be a tourist destination besides Nglanggeran Purba Volcano. The potential of this beautiful tourism object offers exploration tours by climbing steep hills.

Enjoying the beauty of the Curug Jurang Gedhe is not difficult because local residents have provided a signpost that can be a guide for the tourists to go to that place. After traveling through the asphalt road, entering the Gembyong Village, they will be treated to the green rice field view with roads that are only in cement but safe enough for both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles.

We can feel the beauty of the journey to the Jurang Gedhe waterfall with so many shady trees and cricket sounds that are connected one another. In addition, the tourists can see two large trees that become one of the signs for help them easily reach to the Curug Jurang Gedhe location.