Krakal Beach, The Beauty of Natural Processes


Krakal Beach is a beach with white sand interspersed with coral. Krakal stretches at the end of the coastline on the southeast side of Gunungkidul, including Baron and Kukup. Precisely in Ngestirejo Village, Tanjungsari sub-district. It is located about 38 km from the city of Jogja, can be taken between two to three hours. From Wonosari, the capital of Gunungkidul, it is only 21 km away.

It is created through a long natural process. In the past, Krakal was believed to be on the bottom of the sea. However due to the removal of the earth’s crust, the seafloor rises to the surface and eventually became land. Thus Krakal emerged as a unique beach.

Its length reaches 40,000 meters, makes it be the longest beach in Gunungkidul. Some people even without hesitation call it as the most beautiful one. The west and east sides are bordered by coral cliffs. In addition to enjoying its beauty, visitors can also play with the Kraka wavesl. There is one unique thing in Krakal, it is a variety of ornamental fish emergence in certain times. When the sea is receding, the ornamental fishes that have large sizes and small such as Kepe, Bustum and Pogat appear. The appearance of ornamental fish usually coincides with the appearance of moss during the dry season. These fishes also appear more at the beginning of the month than the end of the month.

If the visitors want to stay overnight near the beach, you can spend the night at the Herlois Hotel. They can also enjoy other beaches near to Krakal, such as Baron, Kukup, and Sundak. To enter this tourist attraction, it only costs IDR. 1,000 for a motorcycle and IDR 2,000 for a car.


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