Pesone Pangklik Samas Beach


Samas Beach is one of the beaches in the coastal line east of Parangtritis Beach. The location of the Samas Beach is approximately 14 km south of Bantul City or about 35 km from the center of Yogyakarta City, precisely in Srigading Village, Sanden District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta.

It is popular for its rolling waves, strong sea breezes and as a haven for rare turtles such as hawksbill turtles and green turtles to lay eggs. In addition, the Samas Beach area also has river deltas and freshwater lakes that form the lake. However, It has a steep coastline so it is dangerous and it is not recommended to bathe on the beach.

Even though the charm of the Samas Beach was dim because it was closed by new beaches around it, now the Samas Beach is back to show its existence with the Pesona Pangklik Samas Beach.

Pesona Pengklik is located to the east of Samas Beach and becomes the new primadonna of the Samas Beach. Utilizing the lagoon beauty or the meeting of two rivers, the manager established several additional facilities such as boats, floating culinary, fishing spots, viewing platforms, playgrounds, shrimp farms, and several other facilities that will make visitors feel at home.

Visitors can also take a boat to get around the Samas Beach lagoon just by paying IDR 10,000/person. If you are tired of walking around, the visitors can take a rest in the viewing platform that is located in the middle of the Samas Beach area while enjoying various snacks and culinary Samas Beach.

This place can be reached by following the main road in Bantul Street without turning. After passing through the Samas Beach retribution gate, just take the Southern Cross Road. On the east side of the river, choose a small road that can only be passed by motorcycle or car. As for large vehicles such as buses, it can only be parked on the edge of the Southern Cross Road.


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