Giriloyo Tourist Village


One by one point is made into one pattern, and one pattern is made into a picture strung together into a single batik motif. The local people with agility made a performance with a cloth as their stage. The movement of turning around by dipping canting into the pan becomes a beautiful composition of the batik crafters of Giriloyo Tourism Village. Tapping the Canting smoothly on the edge of the pan containing Malam (liquid wax for making batik) placed on a small stove in the middle of them, and they continue to draw a pattern on the cloth. Meanwhile, at the back of the house, we can see the people soaking the cloth for batik coloring. The batik cloth put into dyes slowly, and the liquid stirred to absorb the entire cloth. After that, the cloth raised and stretched to dry. Finally, the cloth folded and dried again until it is dry.

Photo By @feri_latief

The origin of the batik tradition in Yogyakarta began since Islamic Mataram Kingdom-era in the fourth half of the 16th century that centered on Kota Gede and Plered area. Initially, the process of making batik limited in the palace family which done by woman servant (Abdi Dalem) in the Palace. In its development, the tradition of making batik extends among other Palace. In other Palace, batik cloth made by the wife of courtiers and soldiers. ?Gradually, this tradition imitated by the community and continues to grow up until this day. The villages near the tomb of Imogiri Kings have a reliable female batik craftsman more than a century ago. Based on the book Out of Indonesia, Collaborations of Brahma Tirta Sari, the height demand of ceremonial clothing in the form of handmade batik for courtiers make this craft center continue to grow rapidly (Kompas news, 1st November 2005).

Photo By @segoro_gunung

Bu Imaroh the owner of batik Sri Kuncoro said that tradition of handmade batik has been going on for generations. She also told about her experience starting making batik since teens until now. Since childhood, Ive been familiar with making batik activities until having my own batik center, said Bu Imaroh.

Giriloyo is a hamlet in Wukirharjo Village, Imogiri, Bantul district, Yogyakarta. It located near the tomb of Imogiri Kings. To reach this place is pretty easy because of it near Giwangan bus station.

Photo By @susidarto

In Girimulyo tourist village, we can buy a handmade batik directly from batik craftsmen. Besides that, we can taste food namely Pecel Kembang Turi, Wedang Uwuh, Big Rempeyek and many more. There also other special food namely Satay Klatak near this tourist village. Nowadays, Girimulyo becomes a tourist village for traveling and learning batik.


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