Sate Samirono Restaurant is located in front of the gymnasium hall of University State of Yogyakarta, precisely at Colombo Street 105/38, Yogyakarta. This restaurant is open for 24 hours. There are a number of menus that made of meat such as chicken satay, tongseng, fried satay, goat satay, beef satay, duck satay, sate buntel, gulai (kind of curry), tengkleng (made of the remaining bones, with few slices of meat), and fried rice. You will get 8 skewers for each portion of this dish. The price of the food starts from 8-23 thousand-rupiah. Besides that, this restaurant also receives orders for satay, kambing guling (rolled goats), and aqiqah.

H. Syafe’i founded sate Samirono in 1977. Initially, the founder of this restaurant is a goat butcher. Then, he was given advice by Kyai (a religious leader) to open satay stall in the area of Samirono that finally became a hereditary business until now. The customers not only come from the upper middle class but also the students because of its location that close to the campus. This restaurant has opened a branch on Kaliurang Street and Tajem Street, Maguoharjo.
So, if you visit Yogyakarta don’t forget to taste this Samirono Satay. Happy tasting.