The sound of mini keroncong orchestra that accompanies when tasting food is a special characteristic of Soto Pak Marto stall in Yogyakarta. Soto Pak Marto is one of the legendary Soto in Yogyakarta. Bapak Marto has been running this Soto business for about 40 years. Soto Pak Marto has two branches located on Jl. Mayjend. S. Parman that was well known as Tamansari, and Jl. Raya Janti (in front of the building of Jogja Expo Center). The restaurant with the layout of the elongated table and chair that crowded with the customers is the atmosphere in this place.
This restaurant is open at 06.00-11.00. You need to come around 07.00-08.00 to get an ideal portion of beef Soto. A bowl of beef Soto contains rice, pieces of beef, sprouts, and cabbage. Meanwhile, after ordering the menus, less than 3 minutes the beef Soto is ready to eat for the customers. Fast services are becoming another special characteristic of this restaurant. A bowl beef Soto with gorengan (kind of fried food) and iced orange is the favorite menus in Soto Pak Marto stall. Besides that, the customers can choose various kinds of side dishes provided such as bregedel, bakwan (kind of fried food), peyek kacang (traditional cracker), and crackers.

Soto Pak Marto stall is never empty of customers. Usually, this restaurant will crowd with the customers on Sunday or national holidays. In holidays, Soto Pak Marto stall also used as a place for family gathering.
The Keroncong orchestra that sang a memory song added the memorable atmosphere in this restaurant of Soto Pak Marto when enjoying the food. Besides that, the modest building forms make the customers feel a kinship atmosphere and want to go back home when tasting beef Soto Pak Marto.