Curug Kembang Soka is a cluster of waterfalls in the Menoreh hills that not far from Kiskendo Cave. This tourist attraction is being visited by the community, although it has not been managed optimally, this management is still carried out by local residents.

Facilities at this waterfall are not really adequate, parking locations, bathrooms, resting places, and difficult road access. According to Giyono, Head of Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), Curug Koka Soka is not ready 100% because it has only been opened for about two months. He also claims that residents want to improve road access, but are constrained by the number of visitors who come to the Curug Kembang Soka.

The location of the Kembang Soka Waterfall is between two hamlets, namely Gunung Kelir hamlet and Kembang Soka hamlet, Jatimulyo, Girimulyo, Kulonprogo. The journey to this place is by following the Godean route then straight west to the Kenteng intersection. Then go west to the Kiskendo cave and arrive at Jonggrangan market. After that, we just need to follow the available instructions. To visit Soka Flower, Waterfall in Kulonprogo, entrance tickets are charged at IDR 3,000 per person.?(aanardian)