Lava Bantal Berbah


Lava Bantal which located in Berbah, Sleman is one of geo-heritage areas in Yogyakarta. Lava Bantal in Berbah, Sleman is one of the geo-heritage areas in Yogyakarta. The name selection of Lava Bantal is just because it has the shape like a pillow rocks. This occur due to melt of volcanic eruption lava that comes in direct contact with sea water, causing the mineral formation not to be well-sorted, but having like a pillow geometry.

Here, visitors will be spoiled with views of the river with large rocks on both sides. Clear water flowing between the rocks looks tempting to just dip the feet to feel the freshness. At first glance, the lava bantal is reminiscent of a river that is in a typical mountain with large rocks and still clear water.

In addition to the beautiful river, arround the location has also a large meadow that use to villagers for. Eventhough this location just has river and meadow, many visitors come to this place to release their boredom and exhaustion. This atmosphere like a oasis and has enough space to take a rest at a moment.

Even though it’s still simple, the facilities in the Lava Bantal area are quite adequate, such as parking areas, toilets, cafeteria, prayer rooms, and gazebos for visitors to rest. And now visitors can also try the river flow as it is at holy times. The visitors will be equipped with life jackets, head protectors and other equipment to navigate the river lava pillow using a float tire. The price of a long track (2km) is 55,000 rupiahs, while a short track (200m) is 30,000 rupiah.

Lava Bantal is in Berbah street – Prambanan, Kalitirto Village, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Route from Abang Temple, to the west and then north follow the asphalt road. Later it will pass through the field and a bridge, well under the bridge this tourist location is located. There is no entrance fee, visitors only charge parking fees.


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