Geblek is identic traditional food of Kulon Progo. Geblek is made from admixture between cassava flour and garlic spices so it has savory taste and chewy texture. The shape of Geblek is usually like number of 8. You can find Geblek in traditional market or the roadside stall in Kulon Progo area. But, if you want to feel the different one you have to come to Warung Geblek Pari Nanggulan. This Warung Geblek is located in Pronosutan, Kembang, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo.

The Unique Place and Atmosphere
Geblek Pari Nanggulan brings the traditional concept in every corner of its shop. Once you were in this shop, you will find some joglo building and a number of wooden and bamboo tables and chairs. In cashier you will still find also the traditional concept that can be seen in the cart beside. The quiet and calming atmosphere will make us feeling the strong rural air. Around the shop there are also many shady trees. This is such a natural and eco-friendly concept. Although, it has no special photo spot, but the traditional shop interior and the view of the amazing hilly area can be the nice spot also to take a selfie picture.

Other than becoming a nice place to have friends gathering, Warung Geblek Nanggulan could be also a good reference for meeting place or for organizing family gathering. But, if you want to bring a big group here, you should make a reservation to avoid that you wouldn’t get space when you come here directly. You just need to pay Rp.20.000 to make a reservation. Is that affordable, isn’t that?

The Various and Tasty Menu
Not only having snacks menu, Warung Geblek Pari Nanggulan offers also heavy meal menu. Here there are 2 kinds of menu, a la carte menu and buffet menu where you can take everything you want. A menu that must be ordered is geblek as the special menu of this place. There are also tempe sengek and fried banana that should be tasted. In addition, there are various beverages menu that you must order if you want to taste it. They are such as sari jeruk, tea, coffee, lemon grass drink, and mineral water. All can be served cold or hot. In other hand, the buffet menu provided are like sayur brongkos, lodeh, soup, cakar bacem, omelet, pindang of fish, tahu bacem, and obviously rice. You shouldn’t doubt the menu taste because all dishes menu would please your appetite and could drive your hunger out.

The Affordable Price.
If you want to have culinary trip with unique place, authentic taste, and really cheap price, Warung Geblek Pari Nanggulan is the culinary destination you must try. The menu price offers is very affordable. You can even get the typical dish of Geblek Pari Naggulan that costs less than Rp.10.000

Warung Geblek Pari Nanggulan will be full of visitors on weekend. Those visitors are especially the ones who come from other region out of Jogja. On Monday – Saturday, this shop is started to open at 08.00 and will be closed at 19.30. On Monday, this shop will be opened an hour earlier. If you want to come to this Warung Geblek Pari Naggulan, you are suggested to come when the skies are clear so that you won’t miss the time to see the beautiful scenery of Menoreh hill and the green rice field overlay that can be seen on the right and the life side of this shop.


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