The fast technology development could bring many new innovations. One of the innovations of the technology development used by Tourism Department of Special Region of Yogyakarta is having virtual tour as the information media to promote virtually the tourism destinations in DIY from their location with 3600 of panoramas, so the technology user can really understand about the condition of that tourism destination and it could give them a new experience and knowledge of travelling

The Tourism Department of DIY offers virtual tour in 2 locations which are fisrtly in the philosophy axis, the straight line that stretches from Tugu Pal Putih to Kraton Ngayogyakarta, and Panggung Krapyak that represent the human journey since they was born until they died
Philosophy Axis Visual Tour

The second location of this virtual tour is in Gunung Kidul Regency area precisely in Jomblang Cave. Jomblang Cave is collapse donline vertical cave. This cave was created because of geological phenomenon of the land and the vegetation subsidence in thousands years ago. This sudden sinking of the earth’s surface mada a deep sinkhole where in Javanese language called as Luweng.
Jomblang Cave Virtual Tour


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