Enjoying Jamu as Part of the Wellness Culture in Yogyakarta

pic: @acaraki.jamu

Visiting Jogja Friends, did you know that the Jamu Wellness Culture has officially become the 13th Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity?

This designation will strengthen Indonesia’s efforts to protect and develop Jamu as cultural heritage, and contribute to global health and well-being.

Visiting Yogyakarta while enjoying Jamu and other traditional ingredients is an experience you can indulge in and explore. Some of the places you can visit include:

  1. Jamu Ginggang

Located at Jalan Masjid Pakualaman in the city of Yogyakarta, not far from Puro Pakualaman. Jamu Ginggang has been running since 1950 and still maintains the recipes and concoctions from its predecessor, who was a courtier of Puro Pakualaman and a maker of herbal medicine for Kanjeng Sinuwun Paku Alam VII.

Jamu Ginggang retains the classic style of its building facing north, with a signboard reading “Ginggang” and an interior reminiscent of the old times.

pic: @jamuginggang

Various choices of Jamu are available here, tailored to the needs of consumers, ranging from beras kencur (galangal rice), kunir asem (turmeric tamarind), temulawak (Javanese ginger), galian singset (slimming), men’s health, women’s health, paitan (bitter tonic), to custom blends according to consumers’ health complaints. The Jamu will be served to customers while they sit and enjoy the traditional herbal drink in this vintage-style shop.

pic: @laparmanjaa
  1. Traditional Javanese Jamu “Lugu Murni”

It is a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) that produces and sells traditional Javanese herbal medicine. This SME is located at Jalan Brigjend Katamso No 200 in Yogyakarta.

Traditional Javanese Jamu “Lugu Murni” was established in 1960. Initially, this business was only managed by herbal medicine experts who had learned various traditional herbal medicine recipes through generations.

pic: @ceskydumjogjakartaofficial

As time passed, this herbal medicine business continued to grow. Today, Traditional Javanese Jamu “Lugu Murni” has more than 100 types of Jamu available for sale. These Jamus are made from natural ingredients processed in a traditional manner.

Traditional Javanese Jamu “Lugu Murni” has several advantages, including: being made from natural ingredients processed in a traditional manner, offering various health benefits such as maintaining health, treating various diseases, and improving stamina.

pic: @byan_mandala

Here are some types of Jamu sold at Traditional Javanese Jamu “Lugu Murni”: beras kencur (galangal rice), kunir asem (turmeric tamarind), temulawak (Javanese ginger), kunyit asam (turmeric tamarind), pegal linu (muscle pain relief), and even Jamu ramuan godogan pahitan (a bitter concoction). Traditional Javanese Jamu “Lugu Murni” opens every day from 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM.

  1. Acaraki Gama Cafe

It is one of the Jamu cafes located in Yogyakarta. This cafe is the result of collaboration between the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), PT Acaraki Nusantara Persada, and BPOM RI (Indonesian Food and Drug Authority).

Acaraki Gama Cafe was established with the aim of preserving Jamu as an Indonesian cultural heritage. The cafe serves a variety of traditional Jamu concoctions made with high- quality ingredients and unique presentation techniques, featuring various appealing flavors to be accepted by the modern society.

pic: @acaraki.jamu

Acaraki Gama Cafe boasts a modern and comfortable interior design located at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University or UGM, in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Translator: Rafah Camelia



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