Braholo Cave


Braholo Cave is in Semugih Hamlet, Semugih Village, Rongkop District, Gunungkidul, or about two hours by motorcycle from central Gunungkidul. Apprently, this unheard cave has ever be a silent witness to primordial human life.

Getting to the location of the Braholo Cave, visitors must walk up several stairs because of its location on a hillside with a height of around 357 mdpl. Arriving at cave mouth, quiet and serene atmosphere will welcome the visitors.

The cave condition is quite extensive with stalactite rocks in the ceiling and stalagmites at the bottom. The ceiling height is more than 15 meters so it looks bright when the sun comes in. The cave floor is mostly land with a room width of approximately 39 meters with a length of 30 meters. The total area of the cave is around 1,172 square meters.

The depth of the cave varies due to the excavation process carried out by researchers from 1994 to 2000. From the information written in front of the cave mouth, the excavation process was carried out by the Jakarta National Archaeological Research Center led by Prof. Truman Simanjuntak.

In this excavation process found some pottery, remaining seeds and remaining fauna such as deer, long-tailed monkeys, ferrets, even shells and beads. It was also found equipment from stone that made from 6-12 thousand years ago.

Besides being found in the remains of fauna, stone tools, and shells of mollusks, 10 graves of ancient human skeletons were found with Australomesoid races in Braholo Cave which are believed to be the ancestors of humans living in Yogyakarta.

Aside from being able to enjoy archeological heritage, Braholo Cave is also often used as a location for cave trails by nature lovers. The Braholo Cave characteristics itself have 3 pitches, each of them has a depth of about 35 meters, 6 meters, and the last is about 2 meters with a slope of 25 degrees.


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