The loud whirring winds thundered in each ear joint of visitors on Suroloyo hill. The hill that stands in the south of Borobudur Temple has an altitude of approximately 2000 m above sea level, on the highest hill of Suroloyo Peak, the four major mountains in Central Java (Merapi, Merbabu, Sumbing and Sindoro) are able to see them clearly. We can also see Borobudur Temple from this place.
Reaching to Suroloyo Peak

To reach Suroloyo’s hilly location, we will find many exciting and challenging climbs and curves. There are two routes we can choose. The first route is from Godean Street, Sentolo, Kalibawang. The second route from Magelang Street,Muntilan Market, Kalibawang. The first route is better chosen because it will take you faster. Additionally, you must be in excellent physical condition, as well as a vehicle that must contain full fuel and if necessary bring a spare tire.
The sign that has arrived at this place is there are three viewing posts that are generally called hermitage, each of which has the names Suroloyo, Sariloyo and Kaendran. The hermitage that we met for the first time was Suroloyo, to reach that place we passed 290 steps with a slope of 350 to 600 degrees. Reaching this peak we can see Borobudur Temple, Mount Merapi and Merbabu and the view of Magelang City if the fog does not descent.
Legend on Suroloyo Peak
Suroloyo Hill is a place that holds a legend that tells the story of Raden Mas Rangsang who held the title Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo who meditated to carry out the wangsit that came to him. In the story of Serat Cebolek written in the 18th century by Ngabehi Yosodipuro, Sultan Agung got two wangsit. Firstly was to reach his dream of becoming the ruler of Java, he had to walk west to Kotagede to the Menoreh Mountains, and secondly he had to do broto topo in order to become a ruler.

Towards another hermitage, you will see a different scene. At the top of Sariloyo which is located 200 meters west of Suroloyo’s hermitage, you will find Mount Sumbing and Sindoro more clearly. Before reaching the hermitage, you can find the monument that borders the province of Special Region of Yogyakarta with Central Java that stands on the flat land of Tegal Kepanasan. From Sariloyo Hermitage, if you walk 250 meters and go up to Kaendran Hermitage, you will be able to see the sights of Kulon Progo and the beauty of Glagah Beach.
After seeing the scenery in the three hermitage, you can tour the Suroloyo Peak area and see the activities of the residents in the morning. Usually, starting at around 5:00 a.m. the residents have gone to the rice fields with smoking a rolled cigarettes. If you walk near the residents, the aroma of savory incense will greet the sense of smell because most men who smoke mix hand-rolled tobacco with incense to flavor the aroma.

Aside from having an amazing view, Suroloyo Peak also has myths. This peak is believed to be the qibla of pancering bumi (center of the four corners) in the land of Java. Local people believe that this peak is a meeting of two lines drawn from north to south and from west to east of Java. By this myths, history and natural scenery this place is perfect to visit on the first day in new year.