Drini Beach


Drini Beach is one of the beaches on the southern coastline of Gunungkidul which is widely recommended among tourists. If it is compared to other beaches which are mostly only in the form of white sand, Drini Beach has a slightly different character, namely with the presence of small coral islands that are not far from the shoreline.

It is administratively located in Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta, precisely to the east of Sepanjang Beach and Baron Beach. It is also still one location with several other beaches such as Sundak Beach, Krakal Beach, and Kukup Beach.

Beside beautiful coral islands, the Drini Beach is also known as a beach with two faces. To the west of the beach will be seen fishing boats and fish auction sites, making it look a little seedy. Whereas if you look to the east, beautiful scenery including white sand, calm waves, and green hills.

These two distinct characteristics, it is visited by many tourists. Once satisfied playing on the beach, they can rest in the gazebos while ordering drinks and food available at beachside stalls. In addition, the tourists can buy seafood directly from fishermen and can also be cooked directly in the stall.

With its calm wave character, this beach is also children friendly. The soft white sand and shallow waters with clear sea water make it easier for them to see underwater life with their naked eyes.

Between beaches and coral islands there is a small river that can be crossed without using a boat. The tourists can ride the coral island through concrete stairs and bamboo roads with a retribution IDR 1,000/person. However, they have to be careful about the tide in order to not stuck on the coral island.

The location of this Beach is next to Baron Beach. The distance traveled from the city of Yogyakarta is around 60 km which takes approximately 2-3 hours using a motorcycle. Access to the Drini Beach is quite good with the asphalt road towards the beach. The parking area is also large enough to accommodate large buses.


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