Jungwok Beach


A side from the uniqueness of nature on the southern coach of Gunungkidul, beach tourism in Gunungkidul is also visited for activities that can be done on that beach. For instance, snorkeling in Sadranan Beach, surfing at Wediombo Beach, and recently booming is camping on the beach.

From some beaches that commonly used as a camping site, one of the most recommended place and become subscription for camping is Jungwok Beach.

As specifically intended for camping, the Jungwok Beach is different from Indrayanti Beach that has full-facilities. This beach is still really quiet, very minimal facilities so that only available there is only a stretch of white sand, waves and vast seas, and green hills around the beach. It really feels like on a private beach.

The location to the Jungwok Gunungkidul Beach is to the east of the Wediombo Beach area for about one kilometer so we can take the route to the Wediombo Beach. From Yogyakarta City, the Jungwok Beach is about 80 kilometers that need 2,5 hours trip. The closest route to that beach from Yogyakarta by following the connecting road between Yogyakarta-Piyungan-Patuk-Wonosari-Semanu-Jepitu-Jungwok Beach (Wediombo Beach).

From the parking area, tourists should continue to Jungwok Beach by walking through the footpath and lush sea pandanus trees. After that, they will be greeted by a stretch of white sand and coral island like in Drini Beach. The difference is that the coral beach is too jutting into the sea and it is not safe visited by the tourists.

The waves here are not too big because they are blocked by the coral beach around the beach. At low tide, we can see a vast expanse of coral. On the beach side, there are coral cliffs where local fishermen look for lobsters that will be collected to collectors who will be sold to food stalls on Baron Beach and Drini Beach.


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