Kaliurang is a tourist destination located on the southern slopes of Mount Merapi in Sleman district. Precisely, it located in Hargobinagun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. It is around 25 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta. This tourist area is similar to Puncak (mountain pass) in Bogor regency, West Java.
History of Kaliurang
Kaliurang has become a tourist destination since the Dutch colonial era. In the 19s century, the Dutch geologists are seeking a resort in Yogyakarta. They are wonderstruck with the beauty of Kaliurang when they arrived in this area. Therefore, they built a bungalow in Kaliurang. After they left Indonesia, Kaliurang still becomes the resort town. The companies and agencies set up a guesthouse in Kaliurang for rent. Finally, along with its development, this place equipped with various facilities.

The facilities in Kaliurang
The weather in Kaliurang is cool and fresh because it located in 900 meters above sea level. The average temperature is 21 C. In Kaliurang, we can see the Merapi Pass although it covered a fog sometimes. For the children, there is a favorite place for playing named Taman Rekreasi Kaliurang. Around 300 meters from this playground, there is Plawangan Turgo Park in the northeast. In this park, there is Tlogo Putri swimming pool that the water springs come from the slopes of Plawangan Hill.
Besides its natural beauty, Kaliurang also has a wealth of history. For example, Wisma Kaliurang and Pesangrahan Dalem Ngeksigondo that used for a meeting of Komisi Tiga Negara.