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What is in your mind when you heard about Kulon Progo? Sermo Reservoir? Kalibiru? Or Glagah Beach? These places are becoming the tourists’ landmark in Kulon Progo. Nowadays, social media become effective tools for share information, especially about the tourist attraction. When we search about tourism object in Kulon Progo, you will find interesting photos show Mangrove forest Congot tours.

The Congot Mangrove Forest located in the Jangkaran area, Kulon Progo district, precisely at the Jogja-Purworejo border. The entrance to the mangrove forest area is on Dendels Road, it about 300 meters from Congot Bridge.

Photo By @tiawane

The mangrove forest initially managed by a Graduate Program Student of UGM, who was usually called Cut by the local people. This forest extends westward to the Bogowonto River. Initially, he planted mangrove as her graduate research program at UGM. Nowadays, this forest is useful to prevent abrasion and finally becomes tourist attractions.

In this area, there is a tourist object called Pasir Kadilangu Beach, Wanatirta Pasir Mendit, Maju Lestari, and the most popular is Jembatan Api Api (Api Api Bridge). Its name was taken by one of the types of mangrove planted in this forest area.

The entrance ticket for each tourist in the Mangrove forest is different. For tickets to the Api Api Bridge is weed need to pay IDR 4,000-each person, while for parking is IDR 2,000-for motorbike and IDR 5,000-for car.

Photo By @lovelovelyta

The manager already provides a bamboo bridge as a track to explore Congot Mangrove Forest for the visitors. There also a number of spots that can be used for taking photos and videos. The main bridge is the most hits that loved by the youngsters. Meanwhile, the manager also provides a boat to surround the mangrove forest. You only need to pay IDR 5,000/each person. You will be satisfied to enjoy green and cool views of the forest.

Access towards Congot Mangrove Forest is quite easy. Form the city of Yogyakarta, you need to take the direction towards the Jogja-Wates road until you find T-junction of the Wates bus station. After that, turn left approximately 10 kilometers from the bus station. Then, turn left in the (Y) letter junction; go straight to the Congot Bridge. From the bridge, go to the west (about 100 meters) and follow the directions until you find the Mangrove forest.


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