Kraton Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Palace) as one of the main pillars of the founding of Indonesia certainly has a long history of its struggle from the Colonial era to the present. This history is useful for the future of the younger generation to be able to know and understand about its struggle. Therefore, Kraton Yogyakarta as a cultural institution is obliged to document its struggle by built a museum. This museum is used as a center for documentation of the history of Kraton Yogyakarta struggle.

The beginning of the establishment of Kraton Yogyakarta Museum began during the reign of Sri Sultan HB VII and Sri Sultan HB VIII. This development is inseparable from the economic revival of the Palace that succeeded on processed a number of sugar factories owned. In the era of the reign of Sri Sultan HB IX, the authority to manage Kraton Yogyakarta Museum held by Parentah Luhur Kraton. While carrying out the duties, this institution had changed its name to Kawedanan Kori, and finally called as Tepas Dwara Pura until now.
Kraton Yogyakarta Museum has an area of approximately 14,000 m2. This Javanese architectural building has a number of collections ranging from the household appliance, kris, spears, puppets, gamelan, and ancient manuscripts. There are also photos and paintings that are up to 200 years old. The collection of Jumenengan equipment or the coronation of the king is the one that attracts the most tourists in this place. The equipment or ubo rampe of the king coronation consist of dalang, sawung, galing, hardawalika, kutuk, kandil, kacu mas, and cepuri. This equipment made from brass so that the color is golden yellow. Besides that, the collection of heirlooms in Kraton Yogyakarta museum is made of various kind of raw ranging from bronze, teak, paper, iron glass and leather.

Furthermore, the Kraton Yogyakarta museum also contains types of equipment that have been used by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. This equipment consists of photography equipment, Kyai Jaladara is used as for duty of surrounding the village; Kyai Kanjeng Jimat is used by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I to III for Grebeg ceremony or for pick up the special guests.