Sate Godril


The area along the HOS. Cokroaminoto road is popular as Pasar Klithikan area. This area has one of the legendary places for eating satay in Yogyakarta. For you who like to eat satay, especially goat satay, of course, you already know about this place. For you who like to eat satay, especially goat satay, of course, you already know about this place. Therefore, you must visit this famous place to eat special satay namely Sate Godril.

Photo By @yayaksingset

The restaurant that founds in 1950 becomes a special place that must be visited by satay lovers in Yogyakarta. Sate Godril  located in Jl. HOS.Cokroaminoto no.36 and Jl.Godean km. 1. This restaurant provides a number of goat cuisines ranging from goat satay, sate buntel, tengkleng (goat savory soup), gule (kind of curry), fried rice, various soups, and chicken satay. This place is open from 10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.

One of the menus that are worth to tasting here is sate buntel. Usually, satay processed by cutting small meat and stabbed using a skewer. Meanwhile, this sate buntel is only one piece of meat cut into rather large and baked like a satay in general. It served with soy sauce, pickles, pieces of cabbage, and onion. At first glance, it looks like a goat steak.

Photo By @tyas_th

Sate Godril has a distinctive taste. While still in the baking process, the delicious flavor of sate buntel smelled, and it takes a long time for baking. The meat is not fishy, soft, and the flavor tastes delicious. Besides that, this goat meat has more fat than other satays in general. Therefore, it is recommended to order warm drinks to neutralize the fat that sticks on the walls of your mouth while tasting goat satay. For one serving of Sate Buntel, you need to pay IDR 22, 000, -. Meanwhile, for the other menus start from IDR 13,000,- 22,000. This restaurant is quite spacious, and it can accommodate around 30 people.


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