LOKO CAFE MALIOBORO : Enjoying Coffee while Seeing the Passing Trains


Nowadays, there are a lot of concepts of coffee shops in which its presence is expanding in Yogyakarta offered to the youth. That what make PT. Reska Multi Usaha (one of the subsidiary of Indonesia Train Station’s Official Company also called KAI) has a new idea to build a coffee shop located nearby the Yogyakarta train station.

That cafe’s named LOKO CAFE. It is located in the corner of North area of Malioboro street. The location is very strategic. If you are from Yogyakarta Train Station (that is located in Pasar Kembang street) you will see the writing icon of YOGYAKARTA on the right side. Yes, the cafe is behind it. It opens 24 hours. So, it will be the alternative place for hanging out or for you who are going to take a train while waiting for your train’s coming.

This cafe is aimed to increase the comfort of the passenger in the train station. The facility is focused on the train’s passenger when they are waiting for their train. But, it also opens for people who want to have some drinks while enjoying to see the passing trains because the location is right beside railroad crossing gate.

For menus, there are many kinds of beverage such as coffees, smoothies, milkshakes, teas, and etc. For the meal, you can order fried rice, bakmi godog (nooddles), nasi rawon iga monster (traditional dish), and more. There are also some snacks: waffle, pancake, lumpia bohai (spring rolls), singkong keju (cheese casavas), pisang goreng (friend bananas). The price is moderate, starts form 6000 rupiahs for drink and 15.000 for meal.

Additionally, in this cafe also performs live music that make the atmosphere feeling special. Then, the costumers be able try the sensation of the noisy of train’s passing and the city crowds.

This cafe unfortunately has no parking lot. But if you are interested going here, don’t worry about it. You can park your motorbike at “Abu Bakar Ali” parking lot. If you drive a car, you have to park your car inside the train station parking lot then take a walk to the cafe. (san/rag)


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