Together We Care #Thoughtful Indonesia

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Reducing all activities outside and doing almost every single thing from home would certainly bringing too much boredom for some people, even though it is for our own good.

Acknowledging those condition, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf), tried to encourage and strengthen people’s psychology by releasing a single song in collaboration with Indonesian musicians. This project also try to encourage the people who work within tourism industries in Indonesia who are getting a huge blow because of Covid-19 outbrake.

Kemenparekraf also decided to change the tagline of Wonderful Indonesia into Thoughtful Indonesia in the 2:48 minute of the video to provide education to the public to keep caring toward each other in this difficult situations by staying at home, keeping a distance from those around for the sake of the motherland and the earth. In the video it implies the message that we will both rise later after all this ends with a more brilliant achievement going forward.(san/asw)


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