Kulon Progo is well known as the heaven of nature tourism destination as well as the cascade or the waterfall. Do you know higest waterfall of Yogyakarta is in Kulon Progo? This waterfall is called Sidoharjo waterfall. It is located in Gonolangu, Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The location access is not really easy because there are many winding road since it is located in Menoreh Hill area. Even so, you don’t need to worry about the road should you pass because it’s well paved already but you still have to be careful especially when the rain falls because the road would be slippery.

Reaching this location is easy enough. From the city center of Yogyakarta, you can start to go towards Godean Street to reach Naggulan crossroad in Kulon Progo. Afterwards, you have to take the road to the right to find the traffic light’s crossroad of Deso. From this crossroad, you have to follow the route until you find the junior high school sign board of MTs 4 Samigaluh then you have to turn right to get nearest T-junction where you can find patrol post. Once we arrived at the location, we cannot see directly the waterfall. From the parking area we have to walk along 300 meters to reach the waterfall location. We will walk on the footpath where we will discover the long stretch of rice field area and various greenish trees in Menoreh forest.

Sidoharjo Waterfall is such a hidden heaven of the nature in Menoreh hill. There are not many people who know about this tourist destination. Even though this destination offers the extraordinary natural beauty. You will be pleased by the beauty of the rock cliff of 75 meters height which has the angle of the slope of 90 degrees. This waterfall becomes really special because it is claimed as the highest waterfall in Yogyakarta. The heavy stream of the waterfall on the cliff seems really refreshing. Under the waterfall we can discover a kind of pond as this will catch any waterfall splash. We can soak or even only play on the water in this pond. The atmosphere around the waterfall area is still natural and well preserved. It would be hard to be missed.

Sidoharjo waterfall open every day for 24 hours, so you can come to this place every time. However, you are suggested to come in the morning because it is still quiet and there are not many visitors in this area. The mountain air is also absolutely so fresh in the morning. To enjoy the beauty of Sidoharjo waterfall we need to pay only the parking retribution of IDR 2,000 for a motorbike and IDR 5,000 for a car.

For your information, there’s no signal in Sidoharjo waterfall location, so you can’t use GPS to reach this location. But you shouldn’t worry about it, the local people around the waterfall area are so friendly so you can ask them for the waterfall location direction, if you can’t find yet its location.


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