In the middle of suffocating daily routines, people would always need some short of relaxing time to replenish the energy. However, being in a downtown and not having so much spare time force people to shut their dream to enjoy refreshing breeze in an open area down.

The establishment of Langensari reservoir that located in Kusbini Street number 35 Klitren Gondokusuman, become the answer of the need to have an open space nearby. No more shutting down the urge to enjoy some breeze for your mind.

Langensari reservoir is located right in the heart of the city of Yogyakarta. Its different with another resevoir which is usually located in the hill. This reservoir is functioned as a fishing spot, gathering space with family either college, sport area: jogging, playing skateboard, and performances open stage.

This reservoir is equipped by several supporting facilities such as jogging track, open stage, toilets, and benches that spread all over the area. It is a half hectare area which is usually use for fishing and jogging.There also located Embung Learning Center that situated at the northern part of the reservoir area.


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