Yogyakarta is well-known as Tourism City that has a lot of tourist objects offered. One of them is in Sleman Regency which is very famous with temples around there. Different to Prambanan temple that is already known around the world, Gebang temple is a beautiful small temple that people have not known it.

It is located in the middle of residential area of Condong Catur, in the South Side Gebang village, Ngemplak, Sleman. It is approximately 11 km from the city center of Yogyakarta.

The temple is small because it is only one here. Standing between large field makes the scenery is so beautiful. The grasses are growing well in that area because the keeper plants it well. No wonder this temple would perfect for you to visit this temple and spend more time with your family or friends to enjoy the sightseeing and the view here.

Candi Gebang is a Hindhus temple because you can find Lingga and Yoni in this temple complex. Lingga and Yoni become characteristic of Hindhus temple. The first discovery is done by citizen around that complex. They’ve found a statue called “Ganesha” then they indicated that there wil be a temple around that place. After that they dig those soils in 1938 and discovered its temple so called Gebang temple. Historically it was built in 8th century.

Nowadays it became tourist attraction. To visit this temple, you only pay Rp. 2000 for adult and Rp.1000 for children.


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