For vistors who come often to Yogyakarta for vacation, they can try once in a while to visit surbubs area of Yogyakarta that has also many anti-mainstream potential tourism attractions. One of those areas is Candran tourism village.
Candran tourism village is located in Mandingan, Kebonagung, Imogiri, and Bantul. Around 35% of this village society work as traditional farmer. That‘s no wonder once you come to this place you will feel a tight rural atmosphere from the houses discovered and the local habit.
Other than the comfortable rural atmosphere. Candran tourism village has also a tourism magnet that could make this village becoming more unique than other villages. That magnet we stated is Museum Tani Jawa or Javanese Agrigultural Museum.
This Museum Tani Jawa has some kinds of Javanese traditional farming equipment such as garu, luku, arit, gosrok, ani-ani, and other traditional farming equipment. There is also a big red brick because Candranan village was the central production area of red bricks used to build Sultan Agung Hanyokarwati in Imogiri.
Other than farming equipment, this museum shows us also various kinds of old house holds like kendil, kukusan, keren, pipisan, kendhi, and pengaron. All the collections of this Museum Tani Jawa Indonesia are the donation of the local people surrounding, the museum administrator, and some agricultural practitioners.
Not only understanding about the traditional farming equipment, the visitors can also learn directly some agricultural activites like cow / buffalo ploughing, rice planting, and other activites like making batik and traditional food of Bantul.