Mineral Geotechnology Museum (GTM) of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Mineral Geotechnology Museum (GTN) of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta was built by the initiation of Prof. Drs. H.R Bambang Soeroto, the first rector of University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran. This museum GTM was inaugurated by the defence minister of Indoneisa, the general Poniman, the retired army officer on February 27th 1988. This GTM museum was built as the act of supporting The Three Pillars of Higer Education or Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi in presenting geological features of earth by the relics associated to the geological history of earth which is showed in mockup. The other objectif of the establishing of this GTM museum is to conserve the valuable relics of the earth. In addition this museum is also used as a media to love, to learn, and to advance geolocical science. GTM museum has various kinds of collections like fossil, various minerals, stones, mining and metals, picture or panel, and mockup associated to geological science and geotechnoloical science.
The collections of this museum are devided into 4 sectors which are
Geological sector

The collections of this sector present a visualization of the earth formation process, geodynamics of the crust, stones, minerals, and a visualization of the living life that might be as old as a billions years ago. There is also mockup associated to geological science as the supporting facilities in this geological sector.

Mining sector

The mining collections show various minerals and stones can be used as fuel and floor ornament. The mockup of surface mining system or even underground mining, some explosion tools and also mining goods process are also into the collections of this sector
Petroleum Sector

The collections of this petroleum sector are such as bridge construction petroleum exploration or exploitation that has not been procces or even has already been processed as fuel or raw material of the chemical industry.

Agriculture sector

The collections of this sector present various monolith, vertisols, andisols, inceptisols, alfisols, oxisols, and regosols, which are really similar to their original source. The collections of this sector are supported by the explanation of chemical and physical and physical properties of the various kinds of the source nutriens needed by plants in a soil.

Source: direktorionlinemuseumdiindonesia.wordpress.com


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