Yogyakarta’s Malioboro City is one of the places in the city that has helped make Indonesian attractions more popular to visit. If you look hard enough, you can find a lot of memories in every corner of this city called Yogyakarta.

Jalan Malioboro is not only a great place to enjoy sightseeing during the day, but it also offers a spectacular nighttime view. The feel is also ideal for those of you who are looking for a festive and memorable night out.

This city, dubbed a shopping paradise, offers a night tour that is highly recommended for those visiting Yogyakarta. The following are some of the nightlife options along Jalan Malioboro:

Titik Nol Kilometer Jogja

Hanging out at Jogja’s zero point kilometer, if you’re lucky, one of the tours on Jalan Malioboro will include cultural entertainment in attractions that add to the festive atmosphere. Many visitors to tourist attractions night are looking for entertainment, which is undoubtedly one of their top priorities.

The Zero Point km intersection is right in front of the northern square, which is advantageous because this hangout spot is close to Malioboro. With the crowds and the beauty of Yogyakarta in this area, it is definitely very entertaining for you, especially if you enjoy the lively nightlife.

Can Get Photo Spots in Old Buildings

Isn’t taking photos in old buildings very Instagrammable? For those who enjoy uploading images to social media, a trip to Jalan Malioboro is clearly the best option.

Some of the old buildings you can find there are the post office, Bank Indonesia, and the BNI building, which are close to the road to the Palace. While to the north, you will see Jalan Malioboro. As the main road, this road is equipped with the monument of Serangan Umum 1 Maret Istana Negara, and Fort Vredeburg.

This Jalan Malioboro night tour is highly recommended for those looking to capture the moment while on vacation in Yogyakarta. This unique city will be exceptional for those desiring photographs of aesthetic vacation moments, particularly at night. The LED lights and vehicles will make your photo captures at night really instagramable.

Culinary tour

Malioboro is known as a shopping paradise, so it’s not just for fashion and accessories. The various types of cuisine on Jalan Malioboro are clearly not to be missed. So it’s only natural that tonight’s tourist attractions are a shopping paradise in Yogyakarta.

If you’re going on vacation to Yogyakarta, you can enjoy the pleasures of culinary tourism in Malioboro. This will add to the excitement of your holiday. There are a lot of food places on the Malioboro Street night tour that you can eat at when you visit. They are:

  • Lumpia Samijaya

Those of you who like culinary can try this delicious fried food. Lumpia on Jalan Malioboro has a crispy spring roll skin combined with a savory spring roll filling, and the aroma is very appetizing.

Not only are the spring rolls savory, but there is also a sweet sauce that adds to the delicacy of these Samijaya spring rolls. Visitors to this location can sample culinary arts at night, which adds to the city of Yogyakarta’s warm atmosphere.

This typical Lumpia Semarang (spring roll) is located on Jalan Malioboro, Nomor 18, Suryatmajan, Danurejan, Yogyakarta. So, you can visit the intersection of zero point (0 km) and the old building. Still, you also have the opportunity to enjoy the culinary delights, thereby tasting this Semarang’s signature spring roll.

  • Mie Ayam Grabyas

If you’re already engrossed in Jalan Malioboro night tours and find yourself suddenly hungry, you can try Mie Ayam Geprek at Jalan Malioboro no. 60, Suryatmajan, Danurejan, Yogyakarta City.

Besides the food on Jalan Malioboro above, there are a lot of other tasty foods you can try. So, you don’t have to spend your time looking for snacks or dishes that are right for the evening there, because they already have them.

That’s how the Jalan Malioboro night tour in the city of Yogyakarta is written. You can go on it when you visit the city.


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