Jonge Lake


Jonge Lake is famous as a lake that has never experienced drought. Reputedly, Jonge Lake was taken from an elder in Jonge Village named Kiai Jonge. According to the stories, Mbah Jonge was one of the soldiers from the Majapahit Kingdom who was stranded on the South Coast of Gunungkidul.

It had been told that Mbah Jonge with other soldiers escaping from the war that took place between the Majapahit Kingdom and the Demak Kingdom. Nevertheless, the soldiers dispersed and Mbah Jonge chose to stay in Jonge Village. Mbah Jonge was known as a kind and helpful person, so he was well received by the village community.

The existence of the lake that has never dried up was a mystery to the local community. They suspect Mbah Jonge’s connection with this mystery. The surrounding community did not know exactly when Mbah Jonge died. They mentioned that Mbah Jonge death was due to moksa (freedom from worldly ties). Moksa Mbah Jonge was believed to be in the middle of the lake.

People who did not believe were carried out lake dredging in 1997 which was found to be a cupola eating in the middle of the lake that was thought to belong to Mbah Jonge. Since then, they believed Mbah Jonge mystery.

The lake water that has never receded becomes its own blessing for residents who live around the lake. In addition to utilizing lake water for daily needs, they also believe that lake water can provide blessings. Therefore, there are so many residents crowded the petilasan area on Legi Friday night.

The tourism potential of the Jonge Lake, many people then developed Jonge Lake as a free alternative tour for tourists. They build a pavilion on the edge of the lake for the tourists to take a rest while enjoying a beautiful and fresh view around the lake. Besides that, there are also some water games that the tourists can try.


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