Sonobudoyo Museum

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Sonobudoyo Museum is one of the tourist destinations in Yogyakarta that visited by domestics and foreign tourists. The location of Sonobudoyo museum is near with Kraton Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Palace) and Vredeburg fort. Structurally, Sonobudoyo museum is an institution under the auspices of the UPT (unit area) of the Department of Culture in Yogyakarta. This museum has functioned as manager of museum objects that have scientific cultural values, including development collections and cultural educative guidance. Besides that, Sonobudoyo function to collect, treat, carry out research, library services, cultural educative guidance and presentation of the collection object.

The existence of Sonobudoyo museum closely related to the institution in the colonial period, namely the Java Institute that concern on the culture of Java, Madura, Bali, and Lombok. This institution is a pioneer of the establishment of Sonobudoyo that inaugurated by Sri Sultan HB VIII with the mark through Candrasangkala inscribed “Kayu Winayang Ing Brahmana Budha”.

Sonobudoyo Museum founded on the land of a gift from Sri Sultan HB VIII that marked with sengkalan candrasengkala inscribed “Buta Ngrasa Estining Lata” in 1865 in Java or 1934 AD. This museum inaugurated on November 6th, 1935.

Photo By @wander_indonesia98

Entering the Japanese occupation era, this museum functioned as the Social Office of Teaching (Regent named Paniradyapati Wiyata Praja). After the independence of Indonesia, its function was changed became Yogyakarta Government Office.

The management and function of this museum continue to change. At the end of 1974, Senobudoyo museum handed over to the Central Government. As one of the tourist destination, Sonobudoyo museum has ten types of collections. This collection consists of various scientific disciplines namely, the collection of geology, biologic, ethnographic, historical, physiological, technology, and many more.

Sonobudoyo museum I, located in Jl. Trikora 6, Yogyakarta 55122, phone number: +62.274.385664

Time of visit: Tuesday-Sunday at 07.30-15.00 WIB and holidays is closed.


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