Taste Blue Rice while Enjoying the Fresh Flower Garden


Another restaurant in Yogyakarta which offers natural nuance for the guest to enjoy food, it is Erista Garden. Restaurant located in Kaliurang Street km 17.5, Dusun Demen, Area Sawah, Pakembinangun Sleman, applies the garden concept that it is based on its name.

Once you enter this restaurant, you will see the small river passing through the garden, and plenty of beautiful flowers. That view gives great impression for the guest. It is also a good place if the guests want to take selfie here, because the decoration is so instagramable.

Besides, the guest can take seeds plant away home.

Available menu consist of “nasi megono”, “ayam penyet”, various “gorengan”, and traditional drink. Special menu of this restaurant is the blue color of each food and beverage. That menus are made of flower namely “Telang” as its natural coloring, and it’s safe to be eaten.

Erista Garden can be booked or rent, especially for the “pondokan” or room for the guest who are long stay or spending one night here. In addition, it provides outbond activity, camping, and lava tour. You may visit Erista Garden at 7 AM – 8 PM. (san/yud)


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