Soto Sapi Pak Musthofa: Delicious Soup and Soft Beef Meat in Magelang Street


Hello Sobat Visitingjogja! are you a soup lover? there is legendary one that many food lovers enjoy while they are visiting Yogyakarta. It is Soto Sapi Pak Musthofa. This restaurant offers delicious javanese soup with soft meat.

Located in Magelang Street km 7 Mlati, Sleman, where it is the main road connected to other cities. Certainly it becomes the favourite place for those who need some meals and they are also passing through this road. Moreover there are many big bus that bring the tourists stop by this place to have lunch or breakfast. Soto Sapi Pak Musthofa is always full of visitors everyday.

You can come to Soto Sapi Pak Musthofa at 6.30 am to 4.30 pm. This soup dish is perfect for those who want to have breakfast or lunch. There are two options for the presentation either beef soup is served mixed or separated. Another favorite menu here is soto buntut (oxtail) there are also other menu such as fried meat and brongkos.

Soto Sapi Pak Musthofa is also completed with various side dishes such as tahu bacem (marinated tofu), sate telur puyuh (quail egg satay), fried tempeh and salted egg. The menu at this restaurant starts from Rp 15.000. Do you wanna try? Let’s come to Soto Sapi Pak Musthofa! (san/yud)


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