Adisutjipto Airport Opens 2019nCov Emergency Response Post

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Responding to the alert status of the coronavirus spread, this morning (31/1) Adisutjipto Airport officially opened the coronavirus (2019nCov) emergency response post. The opening ceremony was attended by General Manager of Adisutjipto Airport, Head of Yogyakarta Special Region Tourism Office and Yogyakarta tourism stakeholders. This post will be held starting today (31/1) until the coronavirus alert status is revoked.

The emergency response post held in the arrival area of terminal B Adisutjipto Airport. It aims at providing a sense of security and comfort for tourists to visit Yogyakarta. This post socialize the prevention of coronavirus spread to passengers in order to minimize it. In addition, there also provides the information of the coronavirus updates through the screen. So, the people get the trusted information and avoiding hoaxes that are possible to cause panic. (san/yud)


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