Enjoying Coffee in Unique Way : Maison Daruma


Hello “Sobat Visiting Jogja” especially for coffee lovers, now you can find a good place for coffee. This is it Maison Daruma. This cafe is located Ipda Tut Harsono street number 48, Muja Muju, Umbulharjo. The location is in the city center in Timoho area. There are many cafes around here, but Maison Daruma has an architecture of Japanese building. It is adapted from Japanese style of building such as a semicircle shaped mirroring, wooden panels, and Daruma doll that is put in the corner of cafe. The meaning of this cafe are Daruma which is always known as a good fortune dool and Maison means hoise. So that can be meant as a house that always bring a good fortune or luck.

Originally, this place is used as a coffee bean tester aimed to the buyers of coffee bean since 2017. Because of their enthusiasts are always increase so that it opens as a cafe in the beginning of July 2018. To keep the quality of the production, this cafe make a consistent systems start from buying the coffee beans from the coffee planters directly, selecting and sorting the good quality bean and roasting the beans in a rigorous trial processing.

This cafe looks elegant an exclusive when the sun light down to this room at noon. It helps lighten the room you will feel like in traditional house of Japan. The area are wide. For customers who do like enjoying outdoor area, it will opens at 5 PM. So, before 5 PM you only can enjoying this cafe at indoor area. The opening hour of this cafe is from 10 AM to 12 AM. Maison Daruma not only serves coffee but also other menus such as noodles, spaghetti, burger, croissant, and snacks. The prices are start from 15.000 rupiahs. Try the Japan feel here till you are feeling ease and stay long. (San/rag)


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