Sego Abang Gunung Kidul, The Vintage Restaurant With Numero Uno Taste and Eatery Atmosphere


Gunung Kidul is one of regencies in Yogyakarta that has many charms which are such its nature tourism destination and its attraction of appetizing culinary. So if you have vacation in Gunung Kidul one of the things that you must try is its typical culinary. Various culinary destinations can be found in Gunung Kidul. One of those culinary destinations is Sego Abang Gunung Kidul. This restaurant has been opened since 2017 and has been established as special traditional menu restaurant.

For you who don’t know yet about sego abang that’s derived from the Javanese Language, this name means red rice. Sego abang is rice yield provided by managing soil water in rainfed farming in Gunung Kidul. Its natural red color and its unique taste is the characteristic of Sego Abang. Because of those specialties, many people really love this culinary dish. Not only the local people of Gunung Kidul, but the visitors from other region also love it much. That’s the reason why this Sego Abang Gunung Kidul become a must visited tourism culinary Destination.

Various Menu
Sego Abang Gunung Kidul is usually served with other complementary dishes. In This restaurant, there is buffet menu that provides various kinds of traditional food as sego abang complementary dishes. The vegetable menu can be choosen are such as Brongkos, Lodeh, Tempe Lombok Ijo, Papaya leaf dish, Pecel, and Sayur Asem. Other than vegetable there are also additional side dish like ayam bakar, ayam goreng bacem, ampela ati, tahu tempe bacem, and fish dishes. Not only buffet menu, this restaurant offers aldo ala carte menu just like other restaurant. If you come here with your family and there some of your family member who can’t eat red rice you don’t need to worry about it because there is also white rice menu provides. The beverages offered are also complete. There are poci tea, coffe joss, fruit soup, juice, wedang uwuh, and various kind of jamu. Is that complete, isn’t it?

Unique Interior
Actually, if you just see this restaurant frim the outside, the building of this restaurant seems not big enough. But when you enter the restaurant area you will feel amazed the the unique interior restaurant. In the front door there is a wooden sign board name of this restaurant namely “Warung Makan Sego Abang Gunung Kidul”. The table and the chairs are also made from special wood that’s full of classic carving that could make theem look more elegant and luxurious. Inside of this restaurant you will discover many ancient ornaments like painting, clock, ancient tv, traditional mask, and there are also even ancient bicycle called onthel. The other facilities provide are such as toilet and mushola. These are becoming the additional value of the restaurant of this Nasi Abang Gunung Kidul. Other than normal size of table and chair, there are also wooden big tables and benchs. These tables and benches are usually used for big group visitors or a group of important person. In the backyard of tgis restaurant there are gazebos that can’t only be used as a place where we can eat but it can be used also as a meeting place. You shouldn’t miss this facility spot obviously to take a selfie photo to be shared on your instagram. You should’t worry also about the internet access in this place, because this restaurant offers free Wi-fi accesse so you can upload directly your picture to your instagram story.

A Super Flavorful Taste with Affordable Price
The calming atmosphere and many kind of facilities offered would make you think about the food cost this restaurant. The price of the dishes in Warung Sego Abang Gunung Kidul is affordable. It starts from Rp.25.000 and you can enjoy already the delicious sego abang and vegetable. The beverage cost starts only from Rp.3000,00
For you who are interested to come to this restaurant, it is opened daily at 08.00 – 20.00. This restaurant is located in Ring Road Selatan precisely in KRT Judodiningratan Siraman, Wonosari, Gunung Kidul. This restaurant might look vintage but the taste of the menu and the atmosphere of this place are Numero Uno.


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