Ayunan Langit Watu Jaran (Sky Swing ): An Extreme Instagenic Tour in Jogja


You like to find unusual or instagenic places to visit, so put Kulonprogo in the Yogyakarta area on your list. On the Ayunan Langit (Sky Swing), with the original Kulonprogo scenery as a background, your Instagram feed will impress you with its style. Be careful, though, because you will be swinging 800 meters above sea level.

Access to Sky Swing Tourism, Yogyakarta

Even though the pandemic is still going on, people can still enjoy Yogyakarta’s natural beauty. You also want to breathe fresh air and enjoy the wide green landscape. But you must be patient because COVID-19 keeps you from riding the Sky Swing. It is feared that it could cause a crowd of visitors since, on regular days, you have to wait in line for a long time to be able to climb, take pictures, and swing from a high place.

The management always tries to make sure that the tourist area in Yogyakarta is comfortable and easy to get to, even if you want to go to Kulonprogo or somewhere else in nature. The Sky Swing in Jogja has become the most well-known attraction because it is still fairly new. It has also become a tour for taking fun photos that would look great on Instagram.

At first, the only way for tourists to get to this Jogja tourist spot was to take a motorcycle taxi, which was lined up and ready to take them. But as it has grown, the road to the Sky Swing has gotten better and smoother. Motorbikes, private cars, and minibuses can all go up the slope to the Watudjaran Sky Swing in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta.

So, you don’t need to hire a motorcycle taxi service if you are traveling by car with a group of family or friends and want to try something extreme like swinging from a high place and seeing how beautiful Kulonprogo’s nature is. The parking above is also safe and comfortable, and it’s big enough that you don’t have to worry about your car running into anything. However, you still have to be careful because the road to the Sky Swing is quite steep.

Entrance ticket prices to the Sky Swing Tour, Yogyakarta

The Watudjaran Sky Swing Tour is quite pricey, but if you enjoy it, you won’t be disappointed with your investment. You will be charged Rp. 10,000 per person when you first enter the tourist area in Sabrangkidul Hamlet. If you want to park your vehicle, you must pay an additional Rp. 2,000 for a motorcycle and Rp. 5,000 for a car.

Also, if you want to try out the swing at 800 meters above sea level, it will cost you Rp. 20,000 per person and last between 5 and 10 minutes. Swinging and taking fun pictures can be done both on the front and the back of the swing while enjoying the green color of the plants below and the fresh landscape. As you swing high in the air, feel every gust of wind touch your skin.

Facilities of the Sky Swing Tour, Yogyakarta

It takes a lot of courage to climb the Watudjaran Sky Swing because it is very high and makes your legs tremble if you are afraid of heights. Don’t worry too much because the equipment used to keep people safe on Jogja’s popular Sky Swing has been changed to meet safety standards. There are also rules about the weight of people who can swing that must be followed.

Yogyakarta’s Sky Swing has a weight limit of 500 kilograms. This limit means that individuals who weigh more than this can’t ride it. It looks like the two of them are still safe, as long as they don’t go over the maximum number of people allowed to swing from a high place and look at the beautiful view. On the Sky Swing in Jogja, you can take pictures facing both the front and the back.

Don’t get in a state; you’ll feel safe on this unique Watudjaran swing because the search and rescue (SAR) team is ready to keep an eye on things while people are taking pictures and swinging. When you go up the Watudjaran Sky Swing, you must follow all the rules so that nothing goes wrong and no one gets hurt or killed. There are other places to take pictures in this tourist area in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta.


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