Ngilnggo Tea Garden

Visiting tea plantations does not have to go far to Lembang Bandung, West Java to get a fresh atmosphere and cold air, simply visit the Nglinggo Tea Plantation. Nglinggo Tea Garden is llocated in Ngargosari Village and Pagerharjo Village, Samigaluh Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta. Although it is not as large as plantations in other places, the beauty of tea plantation in the two villages no need to be doubted.

Quoting a wise saying, no pain no gain, the journey to the Nglinggo Tea garden must pass through many winding and narrow roads and uphill roads to be able to go to this tea garden. The difficulty is meaningless because the road has been paved so that access to the road is not that difficult.

Arriving at the Nglinggo Tea Garden, a beautiful view of the tea garden is presented. This is where the importance of bringing documentation tools to capture the beauty of this place. The atmosphere will feel peaceful and quiet. Being in a tea garden also provides coolness and comfort feeling.

In addition to the beautiful view at the Nglinggo Tea Plantation, the visitors can feel the residents hospitality involved in this garden. They are farmers who work on this tea garden. They pleasurably will teach us how to pick tea properly and correctly without any hesitation. They also invite visitors to see the process of making tea and offer tea to the visitors to drink it.


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