This tourism village is becoming one of the popular tourism villages in Jogja. We can find many tourism villages which have its own characteristic and speciality. Not only offering the beauty of tourist destination, tourism village also give the new insight like interesting activities and some special product to visitors. If you are planning to have a vacation in Yogyakarta, the tourism villages can become the alternative destination to visit. One of those tourism villages that can be added to your destination to visit is Brajan tourism village. This small village is situated in Sendang Arum, Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Eventhough this village is small, but it has fascinating view and it’s internationally known because of its great bamboo crafts product. That bamboo crafts is the reason why this village becomes the tourism village destination.

The center of international bamboo crafts

There are some bamboo crafts product that we can discover in this village like the living spaces and some cute trinkets. Firstly most of the craftsman in Brajan tourism village created only special traditional crafts called besek, wakul, and pincuk. And they only had local retail market. But, as the time goes by, they realized that their crafts are potentially great but they didn’t expand it yet. So that, they did some innovation on their works to fulfill the customer needed.
Now, the bamboo’s craftsmen in this tourism village have more than 20 kinds of bamboo handicrafts which are known all over the world. There are about 100 productive craftsmen in Brajan tourism village. Here, the visitor can order many kinds of crafts customly. In other than buying the crafts product, Brajan tourism village offer also a lesson for the visitors who want to learn how to make bamboo crafts directly. This lesson becomes the main attraction offered in this tourism village. The visitors aren’t only from Yogyakarta, but they come also from other city. It shows that this tourism village is really popular.

The traditional art keep preserving

Not only the bamboo crafts which become the attraction of this place. Brajan Tourism village has also traditional art to present. We can see karawitan performance, cokekan, kuntulan, campur sari show, and sholawatan in this tourism village. The natural view around this village is such a nice thing that we could enjoy in the afternoon while doing cycling. We will see the overlay yellow green rice field and the highlands.

Facilities and entrance ticket

The facility in Brajan tourism village is completely enough. There are toilets, mushola, bicycle used to going around, guide, and free internet acces that we could get. The entrance fee of this tourism village costs Rp.5000,- . This is an affdorable price for a priceless experience.


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