Naturally beautiful, Sedahan Beach Becomes Favorite Place to Camp and Fish


There are so many beaches in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, and it feels like never ending to explore. Many beaches in Gunungkidul are already famous and easily accessible. But there is still hidden gems of natural untouched beaches. One of those gems is Sedahan beach.

Sedahan Beach is located in Jepitu Village, Girisubo, Gunungkidul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This beach is next to Greweng Beach and it is on the east of Wediombo Beach. Located approximately 75 km away from the city center of Yogyakarta, Sedahan Beach can be reached in 2 up to 2.5 hours. Arriving at this beach, the visitors can not immediately see the beach. The visitors need to walk or track for 30-45 minutes to get to Sedahan Beach. This beach has the same route type with Greweng Beach route where the visitors will pass through local fields, Batu wood and green land area.

Although it would be tiring to walk, the visitors will feel amaze of this Sedahan Beach because this beach is naturally beautiful and tranquil. There are not a lot of people visit this beach, especially on weekdays. The beautiful scenery always pleases the eyes of those who see it. The blue water, the white sand and the high coral reef on the side are unforgettable.

Sedahan is kind of concave beach when you see it from above. On both sides of the beach, there are the high coral reefs which surrounded with plants. Because of these two rocks, the waves produced are so gently and tend to be calm. The visitors could swim on the edge of this beach, but it is not suggested to swim to the middle of the sea, because the waves are strong enough.

The atmosphere in Sedahan Beach is really tranquil and you will only hear the sound of waves. The beach is naturally beautiful and has clear water where the winds blows quite strong sometimes. Dominated by sparkling white sand and coral reef where the grasses grow, Sedahan Beach has an incredible charm just like other beaches.

Visitors are allowed to climb on the cliff or the large coral on the right or left side of Sedahan Beach. From the cliff, the visitors can see an amazing view of the sea. Sedahan Beach is flanked by 2 large coral reefs which is jutting into the beach. Although the view from on the top of cliffs looks very charming, you should be carefull to climb the coral cliffs because it’s steep and slippery.

Sedahan Beach becomes young people or familiy’s favorite place to camp. Since this beach tranquil, sloping and has fresh atmosphere the people always want to spend the night there. Moreover, sunset and night views are also beautiful. However, you should bring your own camping equipment, because there isn’t avalaible camping equipment rental at Sedahan Beach.

Other than being favorite location to camp, Sedahan Beach becomes also nice fishing spot. Many fishers from other city are willing to travel to Sedahan Beach to fish because this beach has a lot of big fishes. One of the most exciting fishing spots is on a rock cliff. Although the fishing line often gets stuck on the side of the cliff, the fishers still could get so many fishes.

Since this beach is still natural, Sedahan Beach becomes place where the turtles spawn their eggs. Sometimes, the visitors can see the turtle hatch and move towards the sea. You should better to not bother them or brought their eggs home because turtles are protected animals. The turtle habitats is diminished and and turtle is nowadays becoming rare animal.

The Sedahan beach entrance ticket costs Rp.10,000 per person. This ticket includes Greweng and Wediombo beach entrance ticket. The parking retribution cost Rp.3,000 for a motorbike and Rp.5,000 for a car. If you stay overnight, you have to pay parking ticket of Rp.5,000 for a motorcycle and Rp.10,000 for a car. Unfortunately, there are not many facilities in Sedahan beach because this beach is untouched yet. So, you should better to prepare your camping equipment or food supplies.


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